Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Seydou's Class Starting Tomorrow - Michelle Bach-Coulibaly Guest Teaching

Hello All -

I trust that you've had a wonderful summer, and that as things ramp up
this fall you'll all continue to find time for your spirit and body in
the dance.

I'm excited to announce that we're back in action for West African
dance! The Dance Complex is newly renovated and cleaned up and I can't
wait to see it. All classes should be starting up as regularly scheduled
starting tonight. And although Seydou is still in Mali, we have again
the great honor of great guest teachers.

Starting tomorrow (Wednesday, September 9th), Michelle Bach-Couliably
will again be teaching Seydou's class. Expect a high energy,
comprehensive warm-up starting PROMPTLY at 7:30 pm, followed by a high
energy, awesome creative dance class accompanied by our normal crew of
amazing drummers. Steps will be broken down, technique taught, and the
dance discussed in cultural context. Expect to have tons of fun!

Michelle is a Professor in the Theatre, Speech and Dance Department at
Brown University
She has been teaching there for many years, starting many of us students
in this journey of dance, as well as bringing many of the Malian artists
now in our community to the USA (including her husband Seydou). She is
also the director of the New Works/World Traditions theater company, and
was recently invited by the Malian Ministry of Culture to bring this
company to perform in Mali.

As a reminder, all dance and drum classes are listed here:
If you'd like to be able to edit this calendar, please get in touch with
erich ludwig (erichludwig [at] gmail.com). If you know of classes that
have shifted, also please let erich know so the calendar can be accurate
for the fall/winter.

Also, all dance/drum classes are open to drop-ins (except as noted), and
are open to all levels of participants (except as noted).

See you on the dance floor.

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